Caribbean Coast, Santa Marta Mountains and Guajira Peninsula.
March 9 - 17 /2025
November 1 – 9 /2025
Max 8
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Birding Tour
During our Caribbean Endemics Birding Tour we will be covering the Colombian Caribbean coast, focusing mainly on mangrove ecosystems, later, the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, considered by IUCN as the most irreplaceable region in the world for its biodiversity, where we will observe, among many others species, more than 20 endemics in an altitudinal gradient of only 1,800 meters (5,900 ft), between 700 and 2,400 meters above sea level (2,300-7,900 ft), an unimaginable paradise for birders.
Finally, our trip ends in the beautiful Guajira Peninsula where we will also find many more near-endemic species in the dry forest like the Vermilion Cardinal, the Buffy Hummingbird, and the White-whiskered Spinetail among other, also, flamingos, herons, sandpipers, terns and thousands of shorebirds.
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General itinerary and some target species:
(E) endemic, (NE) near-endemic, (NT) near threatened, (VU) vulnerable,
(EN) endangered, (CR) critically endangered.
Day 1 - Arrive Barranquilla:
Pick-up at Ernesto Cortissoz International Airport, transfer to hotel, and welcome dinner.
Day 2 - Isla Salamanca National Park:
Chestnut-winged Chachalaca (E), Sapphire-bellied Hummingbird (E), Northern Screamer (NE), Crested Bobwhite, Bare-throated Tiger-Heron, Bicolored Conebill, Bronzed Cowbird.
Day 3 - Santa Marta Mountains:
Santa Marta Antbird (E), Santa Marta Tapaculo (E), Santa Marta Blossomcrown (E), Santa Marta Foliage-gleaner (E), Rusty-headed Spinetail (E), White-lored Warbler (E), White-tailed Starfrontlet (E), Santa Marta Woodstar (E).
Day 4 - Santa Marta Mountains - San Lorenzo:
Santa Marta Parakeet (E), Santa Marta Brush-Finch (E), Santa Marta Antpitta (E), Santa Marta Warbler (E), Santa Marta Bush-Tyrant (E), Black-cheeked Mountain-Tanager (E), Yellow-crowned Redstar (E), Streak-capped Spinetail (E).
Day 5 - Santa Marta Mountains - El Dorado:
Sierra Nevada Brush-Finch (E), White-tailed Starfrontlet (E), White-lored Warbler (E), Brown-rumped Tapaculo (E), Hermit Wood-Wren (E), White-tipped Quetzal (NE), Black-fronted Wood-Quail (NE), Blue-naped Chlorophonia.
Day 6 - Santa Marta Mountains - Minca:
Lined Quail-Dove, Crested Oropendola, Southern Emerald-Toucanet, Black-chested Jay, Band-tailed Guan, Whooping Motmot, Hooded Tanager.
Day 7 - Los Flamencos Wildlife Sanctuary:
Vermilion Cardinal (NE), Buffy Hummingbird (NE), Slender-billed Tyrannulet (NE), Chestnut Piculet (NE), White-whiskered Spinetail (NE), Orinoco Saltator (NE), Black-backed Antshrike (NE), Tocuyo Sparrow (NE), Bare-eyed Pigeon, Russet-throated Puffbird, Northern Scrub-Flycatcher, Greenrumped Parrotlet, Glaucous Tanager, Pileated Finch, Black-crested Antshrike.
Day 8 - Los Flamencos Wildlife Sanctuary - Flight to Bogotá:
Magnificent Frigatebird, Wood Stork, Double-striped Thick-Knee, Reddish Egret, Scarlet Ibis, White Ibis, Roseate Spoonbill, Black-necked Stilt, American Oystercatcher.
Day 9 - Depart Bogotá.
Breakfast, hotel pick-up, and transfer to El Dorado International Airport.
Biologists and bilingual professional guides.
Quality hotels and lodges.
All meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, and drinking water throughout the tour).
Full ground transportation in quality spacious vehicles.
One domestic flight.
All entrances fees.
Basic travel insurance.
Not Included:
International flights.
Travel expenses such as: departure taxes, passports, visas, immunizations, medical costs, evacuation, optional excursions, room service, beverages, laundry, excess baggage, tips and expenses of a purely personal nature or arising from the delay or extension of a trip due to causes beyond our control.